A few students I don't know and most are the ones I have taught before.Most of them have lost their pure smiles,replica oakley sunglasses, appear a bit serious.I know they are trying to adapt to the new environment,even a bit nervous with pressure.They look a bit strange as well.Maybe they have grown up,or they fall far from me now.A few of them,I have taught for three years.It's a rare thing to me.
The year with them of being the mainteacher really brings me a very nice year.Those photos are still kept in my zone,never delete forever.Because we will change,but memories won't.They can stop time.
Today,I mentioned my salary in class,in fact,I am not sure why I would say this.Just to show them that I will try to teach them in spite of low salary.It has exactly effected my enthusiasm in my teaching.However,I must change such a thought,facing such pure and careful faces,how can I do things only thinking of myself?
I have ever tried imagining what I will do in free days after retirement,after serving grandson.If I can still live in this world at that time,nfl jerseys cheap, I would go on to teach English for those who need,charge them no money,free classes.That's a good deed!
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